Saturday, March 3, 2012

Metrics & Benchmarking Info

Let's get serious for a second. When we say that we are going to put together some metrics and benchmarking of our dishes of interest, we mean it. Seriously.

After putting together the spreadsheet, which will hold our discerning data, and adding our first (2) ratings (postings will be up shortly) -- the panorama of the raw data and spreadsheet organization looks like this:

"Woah...the data, which I can't really see in the picture, looks pretty serious". This is a statement you might find yourself making. Are you wondering what data we are collecting? Well, we've got clarity and transparency here at Mac 'N Cheesesteak PDX! Below is the breakdown on what we have chosen to rank for each dish on a 1-5 scale (5 being the highest).

To read more, go to the Metrics & Benchmarking page.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Introducing "Mrs. Mac 'N Cheese"

Hey there all you comfort creatures. Did you know that in Portland, I am a staple of almost every restaurant's menu. Yup, I am so infused in this culture that chefs all over town are experimenting with the types of culinary jewels they can incorporate into my savory, gooey, deliciousness.

Bacon, scallions, tempe, roasted red peppers, pairings of my noodle & sauce masterpieces with local wines -- the list goes on. What you'll find here is an obsession with perfecting me. To tell you the truth, I couldn't be more pleased than cheese at the situation. Long live the infamy of Mac 'N Cheese as a classic American dish.

Click here for more info on Mrs. Mac 'N Cheese.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Introducing Mr. Cheesesteak

As most of you know, I found my fame and fortune in a place known for its fanatical fans, furious fallaciousness, and at one time, fabulous facilitation of factory outputs. Ah, home.

If you've been to Philly, I am sure you are tired of hearing "f" words by now. So, what gives? What do you need to know about the history, tradition, and consumptions of cheesesteaks?

Click here to find out more...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why This? Who Says? What For?

A) I am a known lover and connoisseur of both cheesesteaks and mac 'n cheese. I seek the best and put the rest to the test.

B) On Cheesesteaks: Having grown up and lived in Philadelphia for 20+ years (and I don't mean the suburbs but the real deal, in the 215, 191, G-town, Mt. Airy, Manyunk, Queens Village, Italian Market, Bella Vista, South Philly, Graduate Hospital, Rittenhouse, Kensington, PBC and Yards drinking, Delaware Ave. driving, El taking, Mummer dancing, E-A-G-L-E-S flying, Phinatic cheering, U City venturing, E-factory and Mann listening, E-Center/Tweeter/Sony/Camden venturing, correctly pronouncing Sckuylkill kinda Philadelphian that the Fresh Prince, Roots, G-Love, and Aretha would be proud of), I know a thing or two about this elusive culinary treasure.  And...if you don't know what all those things I mentioned mean, you don't have the right to judge a cheesesteak.  Just sayin, "Uze guys better know your role"

Shall I make the purpose of this blog more clear? Ok.

I am on a mission to find the best mac 'n cheese dishes and cheesesteaks that this new home of mine has to offer. They say its a culinary playground here in Portland with its flourishing valley, abundant natural resources, and innovative food scene. Well, show me what you got PDX!

To find out more about the origins of this blog, click here.